Wednesday 8 February 2012

The Men, Easy Jackets/Beauty/Best Friend

And although my hours and hours of writing about fashion, clothes, I simple bits you like it. I would simple clothes that are easy to obtain and assemble and clean. I love t-shirts and casual jeans and solid colored collared shirts, but above all I would like to be able to look professional without sacrificing comfort. My secret method for doing this should come as no surprise. Simply put: donned everything makes me feel comfortable and blazers in men/tool in my fashion "Toolbox".

Casual Blazers are the Swiss Army knives of fashion men. They  is versatile, effective and always good to have around. You can wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt or take a shirt-dress fashion to new heights. It  everything about blazer suitable for the special equipment of separation. Color, style and fit are important. 

You never want to see clashing colours or one that  very large in a blazer respectable man. The blazer must be near mount but not tight. As a blazer fits in shoulders you can be interpreted as a sign of a man of fashion-challenged and nobody wants to look intentionally as they don t know how if  ' dress.

Fashion is subjective in most cases. Trends and styles are analyzed, interpreted and remixed but what remains constant is that we our identity and style to express do it to us, to separate us from the crowd and to show the world. Its a very important element of the human psyche, but not the most important.

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